As a middle level language, C combines the features of both high level and low level languages. It can
be used for low-level programming, such as scripting for drivers and kernels and it also supports
functions of high level programming languages, such as scripting for software applications etc.
In this course we will learn to implement programming logics in C Language.
Course Curriculum
Introduction and
Setup the environment
- Introduction to C Language
- Install C for windows
C Basics
- Our First C Program
- Printing in C
- Taking Input in C
- Escape Character in C
- Variables and Types in C
- Numeric Data Types in C
- Expressions
- Operator Precedence
String Formatting
Program Flow
Control in C
Introduction to Blocks and Statements
Decision Making: Simple IF, IF-Else,IF-ELSE IF
Conditional Operators
Using and (&), or (|) and not (!)
- Loops: For Loop, While Loop, Do...While Loop, Nested Loops
Loop Control: Break and Continue
Array in C
Introduction to Array and its types
1-D Array
2-D Array
String (character type array)
Defining a function
Program flow when calling a function
Actual and Formal Parameters
Functions calling functions
Returning values
Local and Global Variables
Default parameter values
Structures in C
Defining Structure
Creating Objects
Self Referential Structure
Structure your learning and get a certificate to prove it.