Python is currently the most widely used multi-purpose, high-level programming language. Python
language is being used by almost all tech-giant companies like – Google, Amazon, Facebook, Instagram,
Dropbox, Uber… etc. It supports programming in Object-Oriented and Procedural paradigms.
The main strength of Python is huge collection of standard library which can be used for the
- Machine Learning
- GUI Applications (like Tkinter, PyQt etc. )
- Web frameworks like Django (used by YouTube, Instagram, Dropbox)
- Image processing (like OpenCV, Pillow)
- Scientific computing
- Text processing and many more..
Course Curriculum
Introduction and
Setup the environment
- Introduction to Python
- Install Python for windows
- Install Anaconda for windows
Python Basics
- Our First Python Program
- Printing in Python
- Strings in Python
- Escape Character in Python
- Variables and Types in Python
- Numeric Data Types in Python
- Expressions
- Operator Precedence
- str String Data Type
Negative Indexing in Strings
String Operators
String Formatting
f-strings in Python
Program Flow
Control in Python
Introduction to Blocks and Statements
Decision Making: Simple IF, IF-Else,IF-ELIF
Conditional Operators
Using and, or, in Conditions
Simplify Chained Comparison
Truthy and Falsy Values in Python
in and not in
- Loops: For Loop, While Loop, Nested Loops
Loop Control: Break and Continue
Else in a Loop
List and Tuples
Introduction to Sequence Types
Iterating Over a List
The enumerate Function
Removing Items from a List
Sorting Lists
Built-in Functions
Replacing a slice
Deleting Items from a List
The Reversed Function
Nested Lists
The join Method
The split Method
Tuples are Immutable
Nested Tuples and Lists
Defining a function
Program flow when calling a function
Parameters and arguments
Functions calling functions
Returning values
Returning None
Default parameter values
Keyword arguments
Writing a Docstring
Function annotations and type hints
Function annotations with default values
Variable number of arguments
Dictionaries and
Defining Dictionary
Built-in Functions
Defining Sets
Built-in Functions
Input and
Output(I/O) in Python
Reading and writing text files
Reading and writing binary files
Reading and writing CSV files
GUI in Python
Introduction to Tkinter
Tkinter Components (Entry, Label, Text etc. )
Event Handling
Object Oriented
Object Orientated Programming and Classes
Instances, Constructors, Self and more
Class Attributes and Methods
Getters and Setters
Data Attributes and Properties
Subclasses and Overloading
Calling Super Methods
Overriding Methods
Using Databases
in Python
Introduction to Databases
Database Terminology
Sqlite3 Install on Windows
Introduction to SQLite
More with SQL using SQLite
Connections, Cursors and Transactions
SQL Injection Attacks
Placeholders and Parameter Substitution
Raising Exceptions
Custom Exceptions
Rolling back Transactions
Comprehensions and Lambda Expressions
Generators and Yield
Next and Ranges
The os.walk Generator
List Comprehensions
The timeit Module
Map Intro
The Filter Function
The Reduce Function
any and all
Custom Exceptions
Rolling back Transactions
Structure your learning and get a certificate to prove it.