Nowadays, Java is often the default choice for scientific applications, including natural language processing. The main reason for this is because it is safe, portable, maintainable and comes with better high-level concurrency tools than C++ or any other language.
Course Curriculum
Introduction and Setup the environment
- Introduction to Java
- Bytecode
- Class Files
- Compilation Process
- Install Java JDK
- Install Java Editor eclipse
Java Basics
- Define Variables
- Input data using Scanner
- Input data using args
- Add Comments
- Convert between Data Type
- Priorites and operations
- Decision Making: Simple IF, IF-Else,IF-ElseIF, Switch
- Loops: For Loop, While Loop, Do-While, Nested Loops
- Loop Control: Break and Continue
- One-Dimension Array implementation in Java
- Two-Dimension Array implementation in Java
- Strings
Object Oriented Programming
- Encapsulation: Classes and Objects
Static Keyword
Static Polymorphism: Method Overloading
Inheritance (IS-A)
Dynamic Polymorphism: Method Overriding
super, this
Aggregation (HAS-A)
Nested Class ,Inner Class
Abstraction: Using Abstract Class and Interface
Access Specifiers: Public, Private, Protected and Package
Java Collections and Generics
Exception Handling
- Try-Catch Block
Multiple Catch Block
Nested Try
Finally Block
Throw vs Throws
User Defined Exception
Checked and Unchecked Exceptions
File Handling
File I/O Operations
File, FilReader, FileWriter
PrintWriter, BufferedReader
FileInputStream, FileOutputStream
Event Handling
MouseListener, MouseMotionListener
Java Network Programming
class: Socket , ServerSocket, ObjectInputStream, ObjectOutputStream
First Client and Server Application
Multi Threaded Server
Concurrency in Java
Concurrency and Threads Introduction
Runnable and Thread
Interrupt and Join
Deadlocks, wait, notify and notifyAll methods
Introduction to SQL: Connect, Insert, Update, Delete, Select
Introduction to JDBC and Architecture of JDBC
Types of Drivers: Type 1/2/3/4 drivers
Insert/Update/Delete/Select Operations using JDBC
Batch Processing Transaction
Management: Commit and Rollback
Lambda Expressions
Lambda Expressions Introduction
Lambda Expressions Nested Blocks
Scope and Functional Programming
Functional Interfaces & Predicates & Suppliers
Chaining java.util.function Functions
Regular Expressions
Regular Expressions Introduction
Character classes and Boundary Matchers
Quanlifiers and the Pattern and Matcher classes
Matcher find and Group Methods
And, Or & Not
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